How to Use Drywall in Remodeling Your Home Garage?

As you consider renovating your garage, one of the best ways to achieve a clean, professional look while adding insulation and soundproofing is using drywall.  

This popular construction material, made of gypsum plaster sandwiched between paper sheets, is easy to install, affordable, and readily available at home improvement stores. Here’s how you can effectively use drywall Saskatoon in remodeling your home garage. 

Remodeling Garage Using Drywall  

Plan the Drywall Project 

Before you begin, it’s crucial to plan your project. Measure your garage’s walls and ceiling (if you plan to drywall that as well), keeping in mind that standard drywall sheets are 4×8 feet. This will help you determine the quantity needed. Next, check local building codes to ensure you comply with requirements such as fire resistance and insulation. Then, decide whether you’ll hire professionals or embark on a DIY project. While professionals can guarantee a smoother finish, a DIY approach can save on labor costs. 

Prepare the Garage 

Once you’ve planned the project, start with preparing the garage. Remove any old wall coverings and make sure the studs are exposed. Install insulation between the studs if needed. This is also an opportune time to add electrical outlets or other wiring, as it will be accessible and easy to encase in the drywall later. 

Starting Hanging the Drywall 

With preparations complete, it’s time to hang the drywall. Starting from one corner, attach the drywall sheets to the wall studs using drywall screws. Make sure to place screws every 16 inches along the studs, leaving a slight depression for later filling. A special drywall screw gun can be a valuable tool for this task, making the work quicker and more precise. 

Overlapping edges should be avoided. Instead, align the edges of the sheets with the center of the studs whenever possible. This provides a solid backing and ensures a tight seam between sheets. Use a utility knife to cut the drywall as necessary, scoring and then snapping it to get a clean edge. 

Hanging drywall on the ceiling is similar but can be more physically demanding due to the need to hold sheets in place against gravity. Renting a drywall lift can be very helpful in this case, preventing potential injury and ensuring a more stable installation. 


Next comes finishing, arguably the most vital part of the process. This stage involves taping and mudding the seams, filling screw depressions, and sanding everything smooth. Start by applying a joint compound (also known as “mud”) over the seams and screw holes, then place a drywall tape over the seams. Apply another layer of joint compound over the tape and allow it to dry. Repeat this process until the tape is entirely hidden and the wall surface is smooth. 

Sanding Down 

Finally, sand down the dried joint compound for a flawless, even surface. This is a dusty process, so ensure you have proper ventilation and protective gear. 

Conclusion: Installation of Drywall Saskatoon 

Once the drywall is up and finished, you have a clean slate for painting, wallpaper, or any other finishing touches you desire. With patience and attention to detail, using drywall can greatly improve the appearance and utility of your home garage.